This Swiftbooks Service is made for fast growing businesses that want to ensure their company compliance and grow their business with the help of real professionals.
Benefits of the build-up package
Our professional accounting will catch up on all past and present items to ensure we have a full picture of your business finances.
Once we’re up to date, that’s it your job is done. Know we set up a maintenance program and keep you ahead of the game.
Build-Up services
Accounting Software
Dedicated Accounting Team
- Tax Accountant
- Junior Tax Accountant
- Bookkeeper
Monthly Financials
Working with your Monthly Financials is the most unutilized tool and the most misunderstood sheet. A financial statement is a window into your business health. The financial institutions, Insurance Companies, investors and much more utilize this form to see your income and expenses and provide you with amazing solutions that will propel your business forward.
While a subcontractor is not officially a part of your staff they do represent your company and you do have an obligation towards them. You must collect your license and a w9 form in order to be in compliance. You are responsible for workers compensation and any accident that happened during the course of travel and performing the task. It is vital you be in compliance to avoid hurdles.
Personal Taxes (Powered by OTI)
Taxes are the final report for the year. Theirs will use this form to determine your tax liability and document your earning and expenses.
Banks also us this report to determine what you personally qualify for. Things like homes, cars and personal investments. It is crucial to think long-term when making taxes strategy decisions.
Business Taxes (Powered by OTI)
Business income is one factor in you financials life. When you own multiples business’ now you have to zoom out and look at the whole pictured to determine the best taxed strategy. Banks also us this report to determine what you personally qualify for. Things like homes, cars and business investments. It is crucial to think long-term when making taxes strategy decisions.